pictures i drew

january 17, 2006

before the fall



The final drawings from my "bored [and stressed] at work" series.

pipstar @ 03:07 PM | link | Comments:

december 01, 2005

all of these things

roaring godzilla puppet

brass dish, folded banknote heart, vending machine console, impromptu nintendo ds postcard, japanese microwave cupcakes, random flowers, pink flowered badges, old supersoft tshirts and new thermal tops, seeds and pots, stubby holders and secret notes.

bi-polar bear

pipstar @ 05:41 PM | link | Comments:

may 09, 2004

and then (iii)

Let's hope that today's spending spree is not the start of some appalling trend in my life.

I didn't spend that much money, but I had to get stuff before I leave for Adelaide. Things like some thankyou presents and brightly coloured handspun wool from the Chrysalis Steiner Shop in Bellingen.

I came home with a number (3) of large bags. And I resisted buying a number of extra, even more unnecessary items.

But I still spent over $70 on wool. I think that I came off lightly in the yarn department. I only ended up with 3 skeins of handspun, a bag of alpaca fleece and purple unspun wool for attempting felting with. I could have bought a skein in every colour of the rainbow. Twice.

Mmmm. knitting.

Wasn't I just writing about how much stuff I have to fit into my car?


And in the grand tradition of my And Then lists I'd like to present some things I intend to do:

Not only will I have an absolutely fabulous career doing games programming ♥ but I'll have an absolutely fabulous personal life.

It's all go from here.

But first I have to fit my stuff into my car.

I'm now going to challenge the physical laws of volume and try and fit even more stuff into my grandmother's old trunk. And then I'll go to sleep.

♥ [have I mentioned how shit-scared I am of starting on the 24th? What happens when they realise I have retained only 10% of my C++ knowledge and know absolutely nothing about how a computer game is made!? And I read that an 80 hour week is not uncommon during a crunch week before a deadline.

When will I sleep?]

pipstar @ 01:22 AM | link | Comments: ****

february 10, 2004

the great clothing decision, 2004

I love clothes and I love drawing.

tnclothespage1.jpg tnclothespage2.jpg tnclothespage3.jpg tnclothespage4.jpg tnclothespage5.jpg tnclothespage6.jpg

It's possible that I love too many clothes. I don't want to leave anything behind when I go up to Coffs Harbour.

Obviously the major winter apparel is staying behind... but I've got an awfully large number of lovely warm weather clothes.

At the moment, space for clothes isn't a problem. The clothes fit into the two boxes designated with room to spare for underwear and sleepwear. It's just that I feel a little bit guilty...

Not only do I love clothes and drawing, but I'm also a bonafide geek. So I databased the pictures of clothes and set it up so that you can vote for certain items to stay in the box or for them to be left behind in Adelaide.*

Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys and Girls... The Great Clothing Decision, 2004!

pipstar @ 12:22 AM | link | Comments: ********

february 02, 2004

chinese ink and brush

I thought about moving interstate to a big city for a Long Term Career with no long term happiness, just fixing stuff and sitting in a server room without really using my degree, brain or heart.

and then I thought about moving to another state and a smaller town for a job where I'd be making stuff which people would interact with. a job which is more flexible, which won't stifle my creativity and i smiled and made a phone call.

pastels on sketchpad...

pipstar @ 05:19 PM | link | Comments:

january 24, 2004

is it a basket or a bag?

a few years ago i made a very exciting visit to an opshop.

august 1, 2001

one of the best purchases i made was this item ($6).

coveted by many

i don't know whether it is a basket or a bag, but i do know that it is made of little sticks of wood, beads and fishing line. usually i'll carry just my phone, wallet, keys, car stereo face and diary in it, but i have been able to fit a small novel, action sampler camera and other stuff including a fold-up shopping bag in it.

once i was at a friend's house for her birthday fondue party and i discovered that she had a fruit basket made using the same technique. that evening i chose to wear her fruit basket as a hat. luckily i'd brought my basket-bag along.

if i had to draw up statistics for which item of mine got most comments from both men and women, it would be this bag. there's something of a bauhaus arts and crafts element about it which design junkies enjoy.

pipstar @ 02:22 PM | link | Comments: ***

january 22, 2004

picture lists

uber-visual-journaller danny gregory suggested a journal diet, you draw everything you own, or eat...

"I like the idea of a journal diet. Draw everything you own. Everything. Every single book, every stick of butter and shoelace. Now that would be a humbling experience. Or just draw everything you eat for a week. You'll be thinner, calmer and happier. "

and keri smith drew her handbag collection.

i find that drawing things definitely makes you appreciate what you do have.

way back in 2002 when i was impoverished in europe, there were times when i felt a little placeless. and i only had one pair of hiking shoes with me.

in order to remind myself of what i could call mine, i drew pictures in my travel journals.

a badly drawn pictogram representing 10 pairs of shoes as owned by me in 2002
so i drew a picture of how many pairs of shoes were back at home in October 2002, Turkey. (obviously the total has increased a bit since my return)

during November, 2002 in Prague i drew pictures of my major posessions (nb: i amended my shoe total to 14 pairs.) i was feeling pretty skint as well placeless, so it was good to remember the stuff i had back home.

but wait, there's more... i own more than just shoes!

pipstar @ 02:50 PM | link | Comments: *

january 01, 2004

just as there're four corners on my bed

there are four sweet angels at my head

pipstar @ 04:57 PM | link | Comments:

december 29, 2003

dress ups

i went into town with the intention of just looking. but i returned home with a dress (almost perfect), three tops (two practical and one cool), bathers, sunglasses and other assorted stuff...

cool top
movie star sunglasses
would be excellent without the flowers, but otherwise it's lovely

i think that i'll have to make a Semi Lifelike Pippa Paper Doll™!

pipstar @ 07:39 PM | link | Comments: *

december 26, 2003

tiger tiger

in the past three days i worked twice at the florist, twice at the organic store and i ended up with free food and lovely free flowers.

i made a platter of cold rolls and went to christmas eve dinner at mum's and ate good food and received lovely gifts.

i made vegetarian lasagne (roast pumpkin, spinach and mushrooms) for my brother and roasted vegetables and turkey for everyone else at the Official Christmas Day Dinner . i set the table and used my free flowers to good effect.

i only panicked once when extra family members arrived at the same time as my grandma's taxi home, but overall i think that my first hosting of a christmas meal went well.

i also drank banana smoothies and played with my new gadget many times.

i also had two or three more of these deja vuish dizzy spells.

from an email: it's like i see something ( a website, a photograph, a flash of video) which makes me feel really overcome... sad and sick and just plain freaked out. and then i get a super strong wave of nausea and feel really faint. and that freaks me out some more and then i feel like i'm about to fall on the floor and cry.

understandably, i'm not too happy about these spells, but i am happy with this picture that i drew last night with the graphire tablet.


pipstar @ 01:05 AM | link | Comments: **

december 25, 2003

ta da!


pipstar @ 11:50 PM | link | Comments: *

june 11, 2003


yesterday in the television and society tutorial i attempted to draw some type of study related comic. like my actual study technique, there are many cups of tea and very little work.


pipstar @ 05:41 PM | link | Comments: *

may 21, 2002

kitten goes miaow

a fun, but at the same time kinda lazy weekend was had.

lots of wind and rain and beer and wine and russian cocaine (slices of lemon with sugar and coffee grounds, washed down with vodka shots) and funky young kids and a debauched house and sunshine today and windy walks and inventive astronomy and hearing stories of a magical place called butterfly valley

it's called an active imagination. having few friends in your early childhood years will do that to you.

and new sensible but kinda funky black shoes for walking long distances and not looking like a complete heffalump while wearing a skirt. and a rough guide to spain. and computer books that i won't look at for another year.

and waking life with karah and james. we walked out because of boredom and sleepiness, ate chocolate brownies at karah's and james fell asleep (fifth-year surgery sounds very tiring) and karah and i gossiped and drank tea and started charting enormous plans for even greater world domination.


pipstar @ 01:21 AM | link | Comments:

april 24, 2002

surprise! surprise!

what a good day to turn on the computer!

i checked my email and found out that i'd won a bag from the youthweek website.

and then i got a comment from the lovely gemma, who i met at pete harding's birthday fun the other week.

what a swell half an hour. so as a thankyou to gemma here's a sketch of how i think i might make the passion flower picture look.


i think one of the problems with the painting that i tried to do on sunday is that it is nothing like my doodling / drawing style.

the current painted version is my attempt to make paints exactly replicate a flower. i'm not a botanical artist. so i'm going to paint (or attempt to paint) the way that i draw.


the other ace thing that is happening today, is that matt w. is coming to town! but for one night only... damn these notorious melbourne bands and the japanese bands they tour with!

pipstar @ 02:40 PM | link | Comments:

april 24, 2002



pipstar @ 08:35 AM | link | Comments:

april 21, 2002

tea with karah

i'm not actually blue in real life

pipstar @ 03:33 PM | link | Comments:

april 21, 2002

fear of falling

fear of falling

pipstar @ 08:50 AM | link | Comments:

april 21, 2002



pipstar @ 08:25 AM | link | Comments:

april 10, 2002

did i say???

that i am procrastinating?

proof of procrastination and yoga participation.

that i finished the introduction to yoga course today?

that within the next fourish months i'm going to be out of this country?

that i forgot to bring food to the uni computer pools tonight, was feeling kinda hungry and then realised that i have candy!?

that i almost shaved my head last night? [boredom largely]

that mum made marinated octopus and i'm eating too damn much of it?

pipstar @ 02:13 AM | link | Comments:

february 19, 2002

stretch armstrong

karah, karen and i went to yoga for the first time today.

easy peasy. we got to stand and lift up our toes and tighten the top of our knees. and lift our hands above our heads. stretch t a l l.

ouch. we got to stretch our legs apart. and then stretch our sides. parallel feet.

more of the same. but bending our legs to a right angle. this really hurt. and i almost fell over.

and some other asana which are too hard to draw with a mouse...


after yoga, karah and i went to the market and ate food and gossiped and bought things and discussed the finer points of monday night tv viewing.

18.00 - the simpsons
18.30 - neighbours
19.00 - abc news
19.30 - friends
20.00 - malcolm in the middle
20.30 - secret life of us
21.30 - sex and the city (from next week)
22.30 - 6 feet under.

pretty pathetic, isn't it? but hey, i read, sew, eat, take toilet breaks, water my plants, play hacky sack with my brother all while watching tv.

and now i can do yoga stretches in front of the tv as well.


maneki neko
i bought a cool maneki neko [good luck cat] mug (with tea strainer and lid) for about $5 today at lien heng.


thankyou to sarah and jolan for comments. that makes a grand total of four!

pipstar @ 11:18 PM | link | Comments: *