Pippa Buchanan - Photo by Mark Niehus

“Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.” -Helen Keller

Hi, I'm Pippa, an Australian living in Berlin, Germany.
I'm passionate about learning, particularly lifelong and self-organised learning styles. I currently work as an educator and developer of learning related technologies.
I make things such as clothes and at least one small boat and cook, eat and read. I like stories. I also like maps, hot cups of tea with milk, Arnott's Western Australian gingernut biscuits, well written songs and plants.

street thing

, originally uploaded by .

Cycling around Kreuzberg can be so distracting – often unwanted (and sometimes usable) objects are left by the side of the road.

I found this clock on the way to work this morning. The plastic’s kind of sticky – I imagine it was in someone’s kitchen – but the font is so cute! I think that with a new battery and a wipe down this is going to be as good as new.