- broccoli soup
- potatoes, carrots and celeriac roasted in Gänseschmalz (goosefat) and olive oil with rosemary
- ruby chard cooked down with onions and garlic and then baked with egg, sourcream, feta and blue cheese
- hummus (soaked chickpeas, and lots of parsley and cayenne pepper added)
- lots and lots of peppermint tea with the odd addition of jasmine green tea and mellisa (lemon balm).
and beyond food it must be autumn. I didn’t arrive in Berlin until mid-November last year so I was shocked by how punctual and quick the change was from late summer to autumn.
sure, it might just be autumn, but for a girl originally from Adelaide it feels COLD.
even though i’m layering my clothes and wearing socks and uggboots while working at the computer i had to turn the heating on to low or else my fingers were freezing up.
over the next week i start a new job doing some teaching and geeking a couple of days a week. actual jobs aren’t that easy to come by in Berlin so i’m incredibly grateful and enthused about the opportunity. also i turn 30 which feels just right.
i still need to decide what cakes to bake. i wish that friends from the rest of the world could come celebrate with me. oh well, a small berlin posse (with a ring-in from upper austria) will have to suffice.