Pippa Buchanan - Photo by Mark Niehus

“Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.” -Helen Keller

Hi, I'm Pippa, an Australian living in Berlin, Germany.
I'm passionate about learning, particularly lifelong and self-organised learning styles. I currently work as an educator and developer of learning related technologies.
I make things such as clothes and at least one small boat and cook, eat and read. I like stories. I also like maps, hot cups of tea with milk, Arnott's Western Australian gingernut biscuits, well written songs and plants.

Archive for July, 2008

shake it up

Saturday, July 12th, 2008

in a brief update I am once again working (temporarily) as a bartender, suffering from intermittent internet access, immensely glad that i took the risk to come to sheffield even though the dating experiment just resulted in friendship, riding a bike across hill and dale and reading so so many books.

more adventures to come, of that i am sure.