It was Blog Action Day yesterday – and in between riding my bike to Pilates, joining the Clarence Park Food Co-op, buying fresh, local food at the Central Markets and cooking my own pizza to share with friends, I did think about what I was going to write.
In the end, and a day later, it seemed easier to just mention a little of all the things I considered:
Should I write about all those simple behavioural shifts (cycling, community, good food and friends) that can decrease your impact on the environment and make your life better?
Should I write about my recent decision to give up individually packaged drinks such as “spring” water, juices, flavoured milks and soda in lieu of carrying around a reusable polycarbonate bottle filled with tap or rain water?
Maybe I should write about the great books I’ve been reading , , and ? Or maybe the inspirational documentary I watched on Sunday night that left Jess and I so distraught that we were practically crying as the credits rolled?
Should I write about the ways in which we get to vote, every day and on November 24th, as both citizens and consumers?
It all seemed a little exhausting.
In the end I decided to write about my lawn, and how I like to lie in the sun and look at the grass.
by .
My lawn is a microscopic world – there’s buffalo grass, but there are tiny little flowers and clover growing too. In a couple of places freesias and purple crocus have escaped the flower beds and will spring up amongst the turf when their time to flower has come along. Wait long enough and ants, caterpillars, millipedes, beetles and spiders will continue to conduct their lives under your watch.
The sun hits my back and it makes me drunk and dopey in the most lovely way. I never used to sunbake quite so much, but most of a winter spent in Finland makes you worship the sun for all it’s beautiful power.
Eventually I’ll have enough solar panels (and maybe a domestic scale wind turbine) to power my house, but lately I’ve been thinking about rain water tanks and the slightly less achievable benefits of a green roof.
And that my friends, is how environmental action begins. You start by thinking and initially you might just try one or two simple actions such as giving up bottled water or carrying a reusable shopping bag around with you. Bigger decisions follow – you don’t replace your car and you spend your days thinking about what fruit trees to plant.
Then you realise that your entire world might slowly but surely be changing for the better.