It’s been a very strange and difficult week. Actually it’s been a difficult month, and if I look back, I would say that ever since November, when I had a breakdown because of work and then work majorly broke down, things have not really settled down.
In retrospect, I shouldn’t have left Australia when I did. The time between the Ratbag closure and leaving Australia was a blur of driving across the country, good intentions, telemarketing and packing. Just at the time when I really needed to calm down, save money slowly and do things that would make me happy, both at home and while working. I mentioned it, but to have acted on that would have meant not starting to travel at the same time as Dan. I’d have envied his travel and missed him. I was scared of losing him if we both did our own thing for a while. I was scared to do anything.
It’s amusing to see how things have worked out. I’ve lost him because I haven’t been doing my own thing! Despite the ache in my bones from missing Dan, it really is quite funny. All along I’ve been needing to make this space for myself and I didn’t pay attention to the signs. I can’t beat myself up about it, it’s in the past, but I can smile to myself and learn.
So often I’ve written on Battlecat what I intend to do (I’m going to make this, study this, go here). Then either I convince myself to not do what I need or I really am too busy. Ultimately I end up beating myself up about what I didn’t do, especially because I’ve written the intention down in such a public arena. When I next want to do something I tell myself – Oh, you didn’t do thing X last time – what makes you think you’ll get this thing even started? It’s a bad pattern.
I can’t say anything about how I’ll feel tomorrow, but today I want to write about things I already have done, some things that I’m proud of.
A List Of Things That I’m Proud Of
I have worked for a company that I dreamed of working for. It didn’t work out, it wasn’t right for me, but you know what? I got that job and I kept the job – I was doing something right, even if some days it was just smiling and talking to people and making them smile back. I made good friends who are now scattered around Australia and the world. I had a lot of fun.
After losing Ratbag (the community and the job) and feeling relieved and guilty and overwhelmed at the same time, I got a job doing telemarketing. It wasn’t a particularly cool job, but the people I worked with were friendly. Sure, I had to sell lottery tickets over the phone, but on two or three occasions I made very strong connections with the people I were speaking with – they shared stories about their lives with me. I really appreciate that. I earned money to live on and realised that I could do something apart from what I’d been trained to do, and I did it well.
I have some awesome ideas. Even if I don’t implement them, they are still good ideas.
There are times, even when it feels like my world is falling apart, that I can still make a joke. And sometimes, the jokes are very funny.
I made the Rock, Paper, Scissors badges and my zine Duck, Duck, Goose.
Applying for work is hard enough, but doing that in a strange country where there’s 15% unemployment is overwhelming. Yesterday I did something that scares me to bits, and I started asking around Helsinki for some work.
I have been honest with Dan. Hopeful but not expectant. I have embraced this opportunity to look after myself. It would be so easy to run and hide.
I’m making new friends. As with all my other dear friends, they like me for who I am.
I can touch type. Even when I’m crying.
I’m not crying right now. I’m smiling.
I dyed my hair a colour other than red. And I’ve been waiting to do that for about 8 years! And guess what? It looks good.
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